星期二, 10月 24, 2006




文: 黃擎天










星期日, 10月 22, 2006

Perfume (1985)

Published 20 years ago finally Patrick Suskind's novel Das Parfum is adapted into a film. Reasons are obvious for the delay. Translated to the screen the whole story will be degraded to a serial killer thriller. Yes, the subtitle is 'the story of a murderer' but the story is far from being Hitchcock material. This is a good example where the power of printed words triumph over images. Jean-Baptiste Grenouille the murderer is driven by an olfactory lust to possess the 'essence', the 'soul' of being, which in his term is the scent. The world exists for him only in olfactory terms. Only in printed words can an animal like him be created to perfection. Hyperbolically satirical and grotesque, the book is a lot more than the pace of plot or visual stimulation or the fishy stench of blood, which are now sadly the only elements that appeal to the public. The stench of 18th century Paris, which most historians might have left out as insignificant, is stuffed right under our noses. Undoubtedly the sublime perfumery world of the half-animal half-saint chimera in the story won't appear on screen. Ironically the producers of the film are acting as an inverted Jean-Baptiste Grenouille: the very 'essence' of the book will be distilled away and the scum will be wiped all over the the screen. The film will stink; it will reek of naked girls, which I don't mind seeing anyway. Man is made of the spiritual and carnal; both of which should be amply nurtured. Can't wait to be carnally fed when the film hits Hong Kong. For the time being, I read the book and indulge in the power of words.

星期三, 10月 18, 2006

Dangerous Books

Woe to the age when the most dangerous book becomes the worthiest. This deceptively polemic statement shouldn't be mistaken for the outrageous commonplace juvenile outbursts which condemn anything contemporary but worship anything that is 50 years before: like now when we look back on the 60s everything seems more romantic and picturesque; rusty old electric fans from the 60s can be sold at an obscene price at G.O.D. (which has really, by the way, lived up to its name in transforming the dirt on my soles to unaffordable luxury.)

'Public opinion exists when there are no ideas.' Whatever books that are ingenius enough to have earned public distaste are the worthiest ones. JK Huysmans rasied hell in Victorian England. A sure sign of genius. A story without a plot. Provocative images where artificial beauty takes over natural beauty.

Very much to my surprise Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story Young Goodman Brown has unwittingly touched a nerve or two in some pious young Hong Kong dames. The young gentleman in the portrait above with premature receding hairline is that very unpardonable sinner. The Scarlet Letter is his opus magnum; but his spark of ingenuity shines the brightest in his short stories. Young Goodman Brown at one dusk leaves his wife, aptly named 'Faith', for the forest on an unnamed errand. Torn between the dark forest and his 'Faith' he ventures into the forest and on his way he meets the devil himself. 'Take my staff if you feel too weary,' the devil says. Deep in the forest Young Goodman Brown is shocked to see all the pious villagers and priests are involved in a mid-night Black Sabbath - a devil worship ritual. His wife 'Faith', without the pink hair ribbons she ususally wears, stands in front of him perplexed and frightened. The devil baptises them with blood from a blood basin.

All the sexual symbols are here: the long staff (in the shape of a Serpent), the blood basin, the pink ribbons, the all too obvious Adam and Eve scene where the man and the woman are perplexed and frightened at their sexuality, the errand that 'can only be done at night', the wife that is afraid of 'loneliness' at night when the husband is away...

In class, one pious dame, whose freckles tell of sleepless nights without her Hello Kitty stuffed doll which has gone to the dry-cleaner's, whose dangling ends of trousers, exposing innocent white socks, tell of pubertal hormonal rush that surpasses her feeble mind, whose glazed eyes speak an eternal heaven with dancing virgins like in Disneyland, blushes and askes in her grotesquely horrid voice that inspires nothing but infernal wrath in me, 'Where is the sex?'

In my mind's eyes, I envision the hellish scene of her chatting joyfully about the Holy Scruptures with good people in a Saturday fellowship gathering of a third-floor church, strategically placed beside heavenly brothels, in a commercial building in Mong Kok.


無線電視最近推出一輯叫《江山美人》的節目,以林保怡與王喜兩名小生掛帥主持。節目推出前循例自然先發宣傳片斷。片斷中林王二人步入酒吧,對四周逢迎獻媚的美女卻是不屑一顧。兩人瀟灑的走到長檯邊喝起酒來。只聽旁白以讚嘆的口吻說出一句--「無動於衷,只因境界不同(大意)」--林王二人於是相顧而笑, 美女們就只顰眉欲嗔了。這條宣傳片大概是點出林王二人見過神州的天香國色,因而看不上那些爭相獻媚的庸脂俗粉吧。


J K Huysmans

J K Huysmans (1848 - 1907), a French novelist suffering from a civil servant position produced a number of outlandish novels during his off-work hours. Among them are the infamous ones like A Rebours (Against Nature) (1884) and La Bas (Down There) (1891) which show extraoridnary hard work of research on the subjects dealt with.
A Rebours has earned its name 'the dangerous book' or 'the yellow book' in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray in which the anti-hero, Dorian Gray, indulges in aesthetic perversities suggested by this yellow book.
Des Esseintes in A Rebours throws afternoon dinner parties in which the dining room is darkened as night by heavy dark curtains and illuminated with candle light. Table cloths and drapes are all in black; all courses on the menu comprise food in black like black pudding, contrasted by a guilded live tortoise crawling around the living room. Masked waitresses with elaborous headgear adorned with black feathers serve food stark naked. Des Esseintes's tastes in literature are most exquisite: his favourite classics he especially ordered from publishers: all printed with purple ink on silk paper, with silk hardcover in different colours, which atone our hero's mood: in sulky mood he picks up a purple one to drown himself in his purple mood. Once he wants to get some fresh air and plans to embark on a long ship journey to London. Hours of packing tires him out and he decides he have the effect of an exquisite journey without the trouble: decorators are called upon and a house with panelled walls are to be built. On the walls small round cabin windows with steel rims are built. Between the panelled walls the space is filled with salt water in which clockwork, wind-up, mechanical fish swim - it is virtually a room surrounded by walls of aquarium. Giant worn out ropes soaked with salty water and rusted anchors and fishnets are ordered to adorn the room. Oakwood deck chairs and tables are custom-made decorated with compasses and maps and monoculars. In this room our hero gazes through the cabin windows, admiring the mechinical fish swimming joyfully, breathing in the salty air, caressing moist oakwood tables... nothing of a genuine sea journey is lacking.

星期六, 10月 14, 2006


奧罕‧柏慕克(Orhan Pamuk)最近火紅起來了。土耳其人今年以大熱門姿態榮膺諾貝爾文學獎,著作少不免洛陽紙貴,難得是連本地歌手楊千嬅也因此叨了光。原來此妹早對柏慕克 那本《我的名字叫紅》青眼有加,還在年前的港台主辦的「十大好書」活動中公開推薦。現在柏氏龍門一登,楊千嬅大概可以博得不少名聲了。看看年前她怎樣說:

雖 然奧罕‧帕慕克這位土耳其作家寫的故事,發生在十六世紀的伊斯坦堡,但這份異國風情配合一個驚慄的謀殺之迷,教我看得『愛不釋手』。書厚五百多頁。無論是頁數還是讀後的感覺,都可以用這四個字形容:『份量十足』。」

我就是喜歡「名字要紅」--說話直率得要命呢。也不知道柏氏聽過後會不會笑出來了。雖然說《我的名字叫紅》一書的確奠定了柏氏的文壇地位,可大家都知道現下 諾貝爾文學獎多少都染有政治的色彩。年前柏慕克公開犯禁,指責土耳其前身奧圖曼帝國在1915年種族清洗上百萬的亞美尼亞人,結果給人告上法庭指其有辱國 格,不就是贏得了「捍衛言論自由」的稱許嗎?難得是他事後都說,犯禁是為著挑動人們關注土國言論自由的情況,給亞美尼亞人打抱不平是次要罷了。

星期五, 10月 13, 2006

Black Friday

1307 年10月13日星期五,窮得發慌的法王菲力普四世(Philip IV)幾乎同時拘捕了全國的聖堂武士。首領莫雷(Jacques de Molay)自然落網,家當也被國王抄得清光。國王宣佈聖堂武士都是異端,只有快快悔改獻寶才是正道。當然,審訊異端自是擴持日久,好讓裁判們有時間施以不同的折磨。七年後莫雷始終被送上火刑台。他赴刑前循例臭罵了法王,又詛咒了他的家族;圍觀的群眾也沒有向莫雷丟雞蛋,只是聽著他的呻吟慢慢給火焰吞沒消失掉。